Improving diversity and inclusion as allies
I have previously written about the underrepresentation of women SCA rapier awards and created a summary report . There are 3 major benefits from collecting data on representation in women in leadership positions: 1. Describe the problem 2. Identify targets for intervention 3. Get the community invested Describe the problem In general, people not directly impacted by an issue will not realize the magnitude of it, and identifying what exactly is happening is important. For example, we found that the rate of admission of women to the Order of Defense has not changed in the 5 years since its creation. This demonstrates that limited female advancement is a self-perpetuating cycle. Only women who thrive under the current paradigm are advancing, and that is being used as a model of what a qualified female candidate should look like. Since this is the minority, there are fewer examples of success, both for women coming up through the ranks and for mentors. This ...