ENTJ - The Commander
Strategic leaders, motivated to organize change
INTJ - The Mastermind
Analytical problem-solvers, eager to improve systems and processes
ENTP - The Visionary
Inspired innovators, seeking new solutions to challenging problems
INTP - The Architect
Philosophical innovators, fascinated by logical analysis
ENFJ - The Teacher
Idealist organizers, driven to do what is best for humanity
INFJ - The Counselor
Creative nurturers, driven by a strong sense of personal integrity
ENFP - The Champion
People-centered creators, motivated by possibilities and potential
INFP - The Healer
Imaginative idealists, guided by their own values and beliefs
ESTJ - The Supervisor
Hardworking traditionalists, taking charge to get things done
ISTJ - The Inspector
Responsible organizers, driven to create order out of chaos
ESFJ - The Provider
Conscientious helpers, dedicated to their duties to others
ISFJ - The Protector
Industrious caretakers, loyal to traditions and institutions
ESTP - The Dynamo
Energetic thrill seekers, ready to push boundaries and dive into action
ISTP - The Craftsperson
Observant troubleshooters, solving practical problems
ESFP - The Entertainer
Vivacious entertainers, loving life and charming those around them
ISFP - The Composer
Gentle caretakers, enjoying the moment with low-key enthusiasm
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